Indice Temático

Citograma NasaL

Eosinófilos , degranulación.


Aurículoterapia Laser: Asma ,Rinosinusitis ,Urticaria

Pruebas Diagnósticas Alergia

Phadiatop Diagnostic UK
IgE Total ( Lab. BioAnalisis )

Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia

Galeno e Hipócrates. Siglo XII, Anagni (Italia).
Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia
« βίος βραχς, δ τέχνη μακρ, δ καιρς ξς, δ περα σφαλερ, δ κρίσις
«La vida es breve; el arte, largo; la ocasión, fugaz; la experiencia, engañosa; el juicio, difícil".
Hipócrates, Aforismos, I,1

"Corto y hábil es el sendero de la especulación que no conduce a ninguna parte; largo y penoso es el camino del experimento, que nos lleva a conocer la verdad." Galenus


"Si, Creo". ¡ Muchas gracias ! Me felicito de haber recibido el pan de los fuertes ".RD

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

La Enfermedad Celíaca Enteropatía Inmune.

Celiac Disease - From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies
Open  Access

Celiac Disease - From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies

Edited by Peter Kruzliak and Govind Bhagat, ISBN 978-953-51-0684-5, Hard cover, 184 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: July 19, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license, in subject GastroenterologyDOI: 10.5772/1080
Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten-containing grains (including wheat, rye and barley) in genetically susceptible individuals. CD can manifest itself with a previously unappreciated range of clinical presentations, including the typical malabsorption syndrome and a spectrum of symptoms potentially affecting any organ system. Since CD often presents in an atypical or even silent manner, many cases remain undiagnosed and carry the risk of long-term complications, including anemia and other hematological complications, osteoporosis, neurological complications or cancer. The high prevalence of the disease and its variety of clinical outcomes raise several interesting questions. This book covers most of the aforementioned controversial and yet unresolved topics by including the contributions of experts in CD.What the reader will surely find stimulating about this book is not only its exhaustive coverage of our current knowledge of CD, but also provocative new concepts in disease pathogenesis and treatment.


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