Indice Temático

Citograma NasaL

Eosinófilos , degranulación.


Aurículoterapia Laser: Asma ,Rinosinusitis ,Urticaria

Pruebas Diagnósticas Alergia

Phadiatop Diagnostic UK
IgE Total ( Lab. BioAnalisis )

Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia

Galeno e Hipócrates. Siglo XII, Anagni (Italia).
Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia
« βίος βραχς, δ τέχνη μακρ, δ καιρς ξς, δ περα σφαλερ, δ κρίσις
«La vida es breve; el arte, largo; la ocasión, fugaz; la experiencia, engañosa; el juicio, difícil".
Hipócrates, Aforismos, I,1

"Corto y hábil es el sendero de la especulación que no conduce a ninguna parte; largo y penoso es el camino del experimento, que nos lleva a conocer la verdad." Galenus


"Si, Creo". ¡ Muchas gracias ! Me felicito de haber recibido el pan de los fuertes ".RD

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Dermatitis de Contacto Hand Eczema

Year : 2012  |  Volume : 78  |  Issue : 5  |  Page : 569-582
Hand eczema: An update
Contact Dermatitis  in a
 health  worker  ( Prick  testing) 
Abstract :
Eczema, the commonest disorders afflicting the hands, is also the commonest occupational skin disease (OSD). In the dermatology outpatient departments, only the severe cases are diagnosed since patients rarely report with early hand dermatitis. Mild forms are picked up only during occupational screening.
Hand eczema (HE) can evolve into a chronic condition with persistent disease even after avoiding contact with the incriminated allergen / irritant. The important risk factors for hand eczema are atopy (especially the presence of dermatitis), wet work, and contact allergy. The higher prevalence in women as compared to men in most studies is related to environmental factors and is mainly applicable to younger women in their twenties. Preventive measures play a very important role in therapy as they enable the affected individuals to retain their employment and livelihood.
This article reviews established preventive and therapeutic options and newer drugs like alitretinoin in hand eczema with a mention on the etiology and morphology. Identifying the etiological factors is of paramount importance as avoiding or minimizing these factors play an important role in treatment.
Keywords: Alitretinoin, barrier creams, emollients, hand eczema treatment, protective gloves

Gracias  por  la oportunidad.

Desde  Nicaragua
Clinica de Asma  y  Alergia
Dr. Juan Herrera  Salazar

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