Indice Temático

Citograma NasaL

Eosinófilos , degranulación.


Aurículoterapia Laser: Asma ,Rinosinusitis ,Urticaria

Pruebas Diagnósticas Alergia

Phadiatop Diagnostic UK
IgE Total ( Lab. BioAnalisis )

Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia

Galeno e Hipócrates. Siglo XII, Anagni (Italia).
Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia
« βίος βραχς, δ τέχνη μακρ, δ καιρς ξς, δ περα σφαλερ, δ κρίσις
«La vida es breve; el arte, largo; la ocasión, fugaz; la experiencia, engañosa; el juicio, difícil".
Hipócrates, Aforismos, I,1

"Corto y hábil es el sendero de la especulación que no conduce a ninguna parte; largo y penoso es el camino del experimento, que nos lleva a conocer la verdad." Galenus


"Si, Creo". ¡ Muchas gracias ! Me felicito de haber recibido el pan de los fuertes ".RD

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Dermatitis de Contacto Book ( Open Access)

Agradecemos   las consideraciones  de

This book centralizes on the subject of contact dermatitis. 
It aims to provide the dermatologist with a sound base of clinical wisdom and key scientific findings to make an accurate diagnosis and management plan. 
Describes numerous possible allergens that cause contact dermatitis.
 - Provides details of research in the basic sciences to help our readers understand more about contact dermatitis.
- Provides a comprehensive description of recently developed methods that have evolved for the diagnosis of contact dermatitis.
- Provides a concise, clinically focused, user-friendly format, which can rapidly improve your knowledge of the disease. The past decade has seen significant changes in contact dermatitis.
Our understanding of the pathophysiology, our diagnostic approaches, and management of the disease has evolved.
 In this volume, some of the world's most highly regarded experts discuss areas that have seen significant improvement, as well as areas for future development.


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