Indice Temático

Citograma NasaL

Eosinófilos , degranulación.


Aurículoterapia Laser: Asma ,Rinosinusitis ,Urticaria

Pruebas Diagnósticas Alergia

Phadiatop Diagnostic UK
IgE Total ( Lab. BioAnalisis )

Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia

Galeno e Hipócrates. Siglo XII, Anagni (Italia).
Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia
« βίος βραχς, δ τέχνη μακρ, δ καιρς ξς, δ περα σφαλερ, δ κρίσις
«La vida es breve; el arte, largo; la ocasión, fugaz; la experiencia, engañosa; el juicio, difícil".
Hipócrates, Aforismos, I,1

"Corto y hábil es el sendero de la especulación que no conduce a ninguna parte; largo y penoso es el camino del experimento, que nos lleva a conocer la verdad." Galenus


"Si, Creo". ¡ Muchas gracias ! Me felicito de haber recibido el pan de los fuertes ".RD

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Angioedema Hereditario Guía de la Sociedad Mundial Alergia WAO

Tenemos el gusto de  anunciar el titulo del  próximo seminario  25 de  enero  2014.
Hora :  730  am ;  Sede :  Clínica  de  Asma  y Alergia, Managua  Nicaragua.
Llámenos :227891169, 22703359, 89465022C, 84316459 C, 88825513M.

WAO Guideline for the Management of Hereditary Angioedema

Timothy Craig1Emel Aygören Pürsün2Konrad Bork3Tom Bowen4Henrik Boysen5,Henriette Farkas6Anete Grumach7Constance H Katelaris8Richard Lockey9Hilary Longhurst10William Lumry11Markus Magerl12Immaculada Martinez-Saguer2,Bruce Ritchie13Alexander Nast12Ruby Pawankar14Bruce Zuraw15 and Marcus Maurer12*

Abstract         Full text html        . pdf

Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare disease and for this reason proper diagnosis and appropriate therapy are often unknown or not available for physicians and other health care providers. For this reason we convened a group of specialists that focus upon HAE from around the world to develop not only a consensus on diagnosis and management of HAE, but to also provide evidence based grades, strength of evidence and classification for the consensus. Since both consensus and evidence grading were adhered to the document meets criteria as a guideline. The outcome of the guideline is to improve diagnosis and management of patients with HAE throughout the world and to help initiate uniform care and availability of therapies to all with the diagnosis no matter where the residence of the individual with HAE exists.
Hereditary Angioedema; Guidelines; HAE; therapy; management; diagnosis; medications; international

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