Indice Temático

Citograma NasaL

Eosinófilos , degranulación.


Aurículoterapia Laser: Asma ,Rinosinusitis ,Urticaria

Pruebas Diagnósticas Alergia

Phadiatop Diagnostic UK
IgE Total ( Lab. BioAnalisis )

Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia

Galeno e Hipócrates. Siglo XII, Anagni (Italia).
Album Clínica de Asma y Alergia
« βίος βραχς, δ τέχνη μακρ, δ καιρς ξς, δ περα σφαλερ, δ κρίσις
«La vida es breve; el arte, largo; la ocasión, fugaz; la experiencia, engañosa; el juicio, difícil".
Hipócrates, Aforismos, I,1

"Corto y hábil es el sendero de la especulación que no conduce a ninguna parte; largo y penoso es el camino del experimento, que nos lleva a conocer la verdad." Galenus


"Si, Creo". ¡ Muchas gracias ! Me felicito de haber recibido el pan de los fuertes ".RD

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Rinosinusitis Alergia por Mohos. Allergic Fungal Sinusitis.

Emedecine  collection
Updated: Mar 12, 2012 
Esta  entrada  es  complementaria  a la  anterior, Video  del  Dr. Hamilos.
Over the past 2 decades, allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) has become increasingly defined.[1] 
Historically mistaken for a paranasal sinus tumor, allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) now is believed to be an allergic reaction to aerosolized environmental fungi, usually of the dematiaceous species, in an immunocompetent host. 
This is in contrast to invasive fungal infections that affect immunocompromised hosts, such as patients with diabetes mellitus and patients with AIDS
Most patients with allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) have a history of allergic rhinitis, and the exact timing of allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) development can be difficult to discern. 
Thick fungal debris and mucin, as shown below, are developed in the sinus cavities and must be surgically removed so that the inciting allergen is no longer present. 
Recurrence is not uncommon once the disease is removed. Anti-inflammatory medical therapy and immunotherapy are being employed to help prevent recurrence. See theimage below.

El artículo  completo  toma  15  minutos...  use  también la  galería  de  imagenes...
A 15-year-old boy with allergic fungal sinusitis causing right proptosis,
and malar flattening; the position of his eyes is asymmetrical,
 and his nasal ala on the right is pushed inferiorly compared to the left.

Quizas le  interesen los  documentos  de la presentacion anterior.

y material de estudio  Anatomía  radiológica

Gracias  nuevamente  por la oportunidad...

Desde  Nicaragua
Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar
Clínica de  Asma  y Alergia.

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